Monday, October 8, 2012

God is Love.

Good evening! This is blog post number 2 and I thought I'd go more into detail about what is currently going on in my life and what I'm learning from it...
I recently ended a relationship that I was in for about 2 years. Being only 16 years old, it was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. I didn't realize how much it was distracting me from God, but once I did I made the tough decision to call it off. I'd often cut my God time short to talk on the phone with him, I thought about him way more than I did God, and I cared more about his opinion of me than the Lord's. It's been a hard couple of weeks considering we spent so much time together and he really was one of my best friends, but I've already grown so much in my relationship with Jesus and have found a new, deep love for Him. He has reminded me of how great His love is for me and that He is all that I need.

Teenage girls often desire a boyfriend because they make them feel secure and loved and special and confident. Most girls, including me, don't realize how badly they try to find their self worth in boys. Now that I don't have him there anymore to tell me how beautiful and amazing I am and to do sweet gestures for me, I have really had to look to God to fill the emptiness in me. Although we are still good friends and I want him to be happy, it's sometimes hard watching him go after other girls without wanting to find another guy.

But let me tell you, knowing that the Creator of this whole world is crazy about ME is a much greater joy than the so called "love" of a teenage boy. No high school boy, or anyone for that matter, is near as compassionate and loving as Christ.

We are to date with the intention of marriage, which means if you plan on dating, first make a (realistic) list of all the things you want in a spouse. Mine includes someone who's loving, understanding, encouraging, and caring. I am aware that I most likely wont find my match at 16 but I know that God exemplifies all of these characteristics beyond my comprehension. He loves me so much he sent his only son so that I could have the chance at spending eternity with him. He understands me more than anybody. Hebrews 2:18 says "For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted" Jesus feels our pains ten times over and understands more than anyone exactly what we're going through. With that comes encouragement. Deuteronomy 31:8 says "It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” We are strong enough to do or get through anything with The Lord on our side. The last thing is that Lord cares deeply about us. Psalm 55:22 says "Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." He wants us to cast all our worries on Him so that we can live life to the fullest and be happy.

One of my favorite quotes about dating is "A girl should be so lost in God, a guy must seek Him to find her." So ladies (and guys) don't settle for someone just because you're lonely or feel an emptiness, but instead devote your whole heart to The Lord who loves you so so deeply. I sometimes find that hard because I want something tangible and audible. I desire to feel somebody embrace me and hear them tell me how much they love me. Although God can't physically do those things, he sent his only son to die for us in the ultimate display of a love that is greater and sweeter than anything of this world. Every time I think of that, I imagine him embracing me and saying, "Mary Catherine I love you like crazy and I have had amazing plans for your life since before you were even born. I have the perfect guy set aside for you and until I decide to put him in your life, trust in my plan for you and let me be your everything."

Whether you're a girl or guy, please take this lesson with you. High school can be hard and we often desire to date so we won't feel alone. But before you tweet "forever alone" or "single for life", know that you are never alone and that the Creator of the heavens, the mountains, the beaches, the stars, and all things beautiful is crazy about YOU and is jealous for you.

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