Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Week of Thankfulness: Friends

Good evening! I am now officially on break so it really feels like Thanksgiving time:) Once again I will be posting about something so dear to my heart. In case you haven't been able to tell from previous posts, I really love my life and the people God put in it. Today I am thankful for my friends.

Besides my group of my 5 very best friends, I am also blessed with multiple other amazing friends who all make me so happy. Recently, God has put many new people in my life that I'm so thankful for. Going through high school and staying steadfast in a relationship with God can be really tough. But if you surround yourself with the right people, it can be a lot easier. Luckily, I've been able to find so many friends who all want to pursue Christ in the same way I do, which is a rare thing at this age. The encouragement, accountability, and knowledge that you gain from a Christian friendship is so incredibly valuble. Being able to share your moments of triumph & joy and to celebrate God's glory with somebody who truly cares is amazing, along with being able to lean on someone and get support when you're struggling. A friend who loves Christ will show you that compassion and will genuinely care about you in times of hurt and happiness, which is something we all long for.

I'd like to share a little something about each of my 5 best friends. I won't go into full detail because you nor I have all day, but I'll share something I love about each of them. This precious group of girls that I call my best friends are all radiantly beautiful inside and out. Their hearts are all so full of Jesus and they reflect that in their everyday life.

I'll start with my ginger friend, Hannah. I cannot even begin to describe how on fire Hannah is for God; I just love to sit and listen to her talk about how much she loves Him. The way she can resist the temptations and pressures of high school and be totally obedient to the Lord blows my mind. I love Hannah for her boldness and her constant persuance of the Lord.

Not only do Mary and I share names, we also share a love to have deep conversations about anything and everything. I love the way Mary truly cares about everything I have to say and how I always feel better after talking to her. She is such a strong and beautiful woman of God and I'm so thankful for her.

As I type Halston's name I just can't help but smile, because that's exactly what she does...make people smile. If you asked anybody to describe Halston, they'd say she's one of the sweetest, happiest people you will ever meet. I love the way Halston is just so genuine and kind to everyone she meets and constantly sets an example of how a follower of Christ should treat others.

We always joke that Madison's our "mommy," because she's the most caring person and will really do anything for us. I admire Madison's strength and constant trust in God's plan. Anytime she's given a tough situation, she immediately turns to God and grows closer to Him.

Not only is Kelly the best cousin ever, but she's also been my best friend since we were in diapers. Whenever I didn't live here and I'd come to visit, she would bite me sometimes because she was so excited to see me.  Considering we live three houses apart, are related, have 4 classes together, are on Pom together, take dance class together, go to church together, and hangout with the same friends, we pretty much spend more time together than we do apart. It's a crazy thing that we're still friends after all this time and we are always asked if we get tired of each other, but we actually get along so well and have so much fun together. I seriously consider her a miracle, because it's so rare to find a friend like her. I love Kelly for understanding me and for just making my everyday life so much better.

So anyone who's reading this and has a solid group of friends who love Jesus, thank your God for putting them in your life and remind them of how much you love & appreciate them. Anyone who doesn't feel like they have that, seek out those friends because they truly are so valuble! If you don't know where to start and are a little bit shy and socially-awkward like I am, I love making new friends and sharing the good news of God's love with them so hit me up and we can be socially-awkward Jesus lovers together:) Lastly, anyone reading this who is my friend, thank you for loving me and for allowing me to be a part of your life!

Some photos of my wonderful friends:


Shout out to my bestie, Slade!

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