Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Week of Thankfulness: Prayer

Happy happy Saturday everyone! After a peaceful little nap I feel reenergized and ready to blog:) This will be day 3 in my Thanksgiving series. Today I am thankful for prayer.

First off, just stop and think about what prayer really is. Many Christians (including myself), though unlikely to admit it, view prayer as an obligation often times. Don't get me wrong, I love to talk to my Father but sometimes I don't feel like taking 15-20 minutes out of my day to pray and feel like it's something I have to do. But when I really sit and reflect on what prayer is all about, I realize how often I take it for granted and how wonderful it really is! Think about it, this God that created a galaxy full of stars and an earth with billions of people wants to listen to me and speak to me at any second of the day. Humans have an instinct in them that makes them desire attention, some more than others, but we all have it. We constantly seek out the attention of friends, strangers, the opposite sex, etc., and often find ourselves disappointed. But there's an amazing, perfect God that is jealous for us and longs to talk to us at all times? Now that is something to be thankful for!

I know I always say "the past month of my life God has done this" or "I've learned this from my recent expiriences" but it really has been such a period of great growth for me and I honestly think it was all an answered prayer. I remember about 5-6 weeks ago one night really late I couldnt sleep and was listening to a song called "The Valley" by Ellie Holcomb (I highly suggest you listen to it, it's one of my faves). I was not at a happy point at all and felt so distant from God. I prayed the lyrics to the song "so come and find me in the darkest night of my soul; in the shadow of the valley. I am dying for you to make me whole." I also prayed that God could just change whatever it was in my life that was dragging me down. I had know idea how hard it would be at first or how great it would turn out to be. During the hard time, I prayed for strength to get through it and wisdom to know that it was part of God's plan. During the time where it started to get better, I prayed for courage and boldness to be more of a light unto God's kingdom and to share the great news of His grace and mercy on me! Now here I am, I am expiriencing a HUGE life change and at probably one of the happiest points in my life. I'm SO thankful God answered my prayers and continues to answer them daily!:)

"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord." James 5:13-14


Ellie's Song "The Valley"

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